Language Acquisition in Romance Languages
The research presented in this volume covers first language acquisition, second language acquisition, language heritage and language impairment. Papers in this collection use a variety of experimental methods, such as eye-tracking, elicitation tasks, production tasks administered off-line and untimed, transcriptions of spontaneous speech, production elicitation, Truth Value Judgement tasks, standardized tests and multiple choice tasks. The studies included in this book try to cover most of the methods used in first and second language acquisition in typical and atypical populations. This book will be useful for linguists, speech therapists, and psycholinguists working on first, second and impaired language acquisition.
[Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 18] 2024. viii, 308 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 16 July 2024
Published online on 16 July 2024
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
IntroductionVicenç Torrens | pp. 1–9
Section 1. The acquisition of pronouns
Chapter 1. Anaphora resolution in L2 European Portuguese: Animacy effects and the position of the antecedentAna Madeira, Alexandra Fiéis and Joana Teixeira | pp. 12–33
Chapter 2. Aspects of morphosyntax of Majorcan Catalan-Spanish bilingual variety: The omission of direct objectsPedro Guijarro-Fuentes, Iria Bello and Melania S. Masià | pp. 34–55
Section 2. The acquisition of or empty categories
Chapter 3. The acquisition of generic null subjects under the Borer-Chomsky conjectureKarina Bertolino | pp. 58–85
Chapter 4. The acquisition of object drop in L2 Spanish by German speakersPedro Guijarro-Fuentes | pp. 86–113
Chapter 5. Parameter setting in multilingual children with special reference to acceleration in FrenchNatascha Müller | pp. 114–143
Section 3. The development of locality
Chapter 6. Relative clauses and intervention effects: Does the person feature matter?Thainá Amador Lira and Marina Augusto | pp. 146–167
Chapter 7. On the production of subject and object relative clauses by child speakers of heritage Romanian in FranceLarisa Avram, Alexandru Mardale and Elena Soare | pp. 168–196
Section 4. The development of quantifiers
Chapter 8. “Nobody” isn’t in time: On-line processing of Negative Concord Items in Italian and its implications for the delay of double negation readings in young childrenVincenzo Moscati | pp. 198–211
Chapter 9. Quantifier comprehension in Brazilian Portuguese and the extra-object visual effectErica Rodrigues, Renê Forster and Letícia Sicuro Corrêa | pp. 212–229
Section 5. Language impairment
Chapter 10. On the production and omission of dative and accusative clitics in Italian children with learning difficultiesSara Cerutti, Anna Cardinaletti and Francesca Volpato | pp. 232–252
Chapter 11. The narrative abilities of Spanish monolinguals and Spanish–Catalan bilinguals with Prader–Willi syndromeEstela Garcia-Alcaraz and Juana M. Liceras | pp. 253–282
Chapter 12. Code-switching and code-mixing in bilingual Spanish–Catalan children with and without Developmental Language DisorderEva Aguilar-Mediavilla, Alberto Sánchez-Pedroche, Lucía Buil-Legaz, Josep A. Pérez-Castelló and Daniel Adrover-Roig | pp. 283–305
Index | pp. 307–308
Main BIC Subject
CFDC: Language acquisition
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009070: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Psycholinguistics / Language Acquisition