Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics
Volume 6, Issue 2 (2017)
2017. vii, 122 pp.
Publishing status: Available
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Anders, of toch niet? Het Nederlandse pronominale genus door de bril van Duitse NVT-leerdersLukas Urbanek, Greg Poarch, Sarah Schimke, Johanna Fanta & Gunther De Vogelaer | pp. 147–173
Regional languages on Twitter: A comparative study between Frisian and LimburgishLysbeth Jongbloed-Faber, Jolie van Loo & Leonie Cornips | pp. 174–196
Does it ‘feel’ non-native? Native-speaker perceptions of information-structural transfer in L1 Dutch advanced EFL writingMyrte van Hilten & Sanne van Vuuren | pp. 197–212
Academic language in elementary school mathematics: Academicness of teacher input during whole class instructionN. Dokter, R. Aarts, J. Kurvers, A. Ros & S. Kroon | pp. 213–230
The colour of Dutch: Some limits and opportunities of identifying Dutch ethnolectsJürgen Jaspers | pp. 231–246
Sprachkompetenz und Sprachförderkompetenz frühpädagogischer Fachkräfte: Early childhood educators’ language proficiency and language training competenceDaniela Ofner | pp. 247–268
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General