Teacher Education in CALL
This volume addresses the need for a more considered and systematic approach to teacher education and training in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), in all its forms: Technology Enhanced Language Learning, Network-Based Language Learning, Information and Communication Technologies for Language Learning and so on. The 20 chapters of the book are divided into five parts: (1) foundations of teacher education in CALL; (2) CALL degree programs; (3) CALL pre-service courses; (4) CALL in-service projects, courses, and workshops; (5) alternatives to formal CALL training. The chapters cover a broad range of levels, environments, countries, and languages. Rather than simply offering inspired speculation, the chapters provide practical information to readers, reporting on what has actually been done in a wide variety of teacher education programs and courses around the world. In many cases, the chapters describe how programs and courses have evolved, and include either qualitative or quantitative research, or both, to inform the structure of CALL courses, tasks and activities.
[Language Learning & Language Teaching, 14] 2006. xii, 354 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 1 July 2008
Published online on 1 July 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
ForewordCarol A. Chapelle | pp. vii–viii
Introduction | pp. ix–xi
Part I: Foundations of teacher education in CALL
1. The scope of CALL educationPhilip Hubbard and Mike Levy | pp. 3–20
2. Assessing CALL teacher training: What are we doing and what could we do better?Greg Kessler | pp. 23–42
3. Technology standards for teacher education,credentialing, and certificationKathryn Murphy-Judy and Bonnie L. Youngs | pp. 45–60
Part II: CALL degree programs
4. Matching language and IT skills: The life-cycle of an MA programmeJohn Partridge | pp. 63–79
5. Reconstructing practice: language teacher education and ICTDiane Slaouti and Gary Motteram | pp. 81–97
6. Theory and practice in teaching project-oriented CALLRobert Debski | pp. 99–114
Part III: CALL pre-service courses
7. When the technology course is requiredVolker Hegelheimer | pp. 117–133
8. Teaching the creation of software that uses speech recognitionMaxine Eskenazi and Jonathan Brown | pp. 135–151
9. Developing computer competencies for pre-service language teachers: Is one course enough?Martine Peters | pp. 153–165
10. Learning in context: Situating language teacher learning in CALLJoy Egbert | pp. 167–181
11. Training CALL teachers onlineChristine Bauer-Ramazani | pp. 183–200
Part IV: CALL In-service projects, courses, and workshops
12. Training for trainers: challenges, outcomes, and principles of in-service training across the Irish education systemAngela Rickard, Françoise Blin and Christine Appel | pp. 203–218
13. How WebQuests send technology to the background: Scaffolding EFL teacher professional development in CALLChin-chi Chao | pp. 221–234
14. Designing and implementing collaborative Internet projects in SiberiaLarissa Olesova and Christine Foster Meloni | pp. 237–249
15. In-Service CALL education: What happens after the course is over?Lillian Wong and Phil Benson | pp. 251–264
16. Teacher preparation for online language instructionChristopher M. Jones and Bonnie L. Youngs | pp. 267–280
Part V: Alternatives to formal CALL training
17. Expert-novice teacher mentoring in language learning technologyCarla Meskill, Natasha Anthony, Shannon Hilliker-VanStrander, Chi-hua Tseng and Jieun You | pp. 283–298
18. Communities of practice for pre- and In-service teacher educationElizabeth Hanson-Smith | pp. 301–315
19. Training ourselves to train our students for CALLMarinna Kolaitis, Mary Ann Mahoney, Howard Pomann and Philip Hubbard | pp. 317–332
20. Helping teachers to help themselvesThomas Robb | pp. 335–347
CALL teacher education resources and professional organizations
Index | pp. 351–354
“This book is recommended for anyone teaching technology to teachers, as well as for those who take on this role informally when supporting colleagues. It contains many ideas and practical experiences, both successes and failures, which teacher educators can learn from.”
Hayo Reinders,
RELC Singapore, in Innovation in language Learning and Teaching 1(2), 2007
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Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General