Using Corpora to Explore Linguistic Variation
Using Corpora to Explore Linguistic Variation illustrates the ways in which linguistic variation can be explored through corpus-based investigation. Two major kinds of research questions are considered: variation in the use of a particular linguistic feature, and variation across dialects or registers. Part 1: “Exploring variation in the use of linguistic features” focuses on the study of specific words, expressions, or grammatical constructions, to study variation in the use of a particular linguistic feature. Part 2: “Exploring dialect and register variation” describes salient characteristics of dialects or registers and the patterns of variation across varieties. Part 3: “Exploring Historical Variation” applies these same two major perspectives to historical variation. One recurring theme is the extent to which linguistic variation depends on register differences, reflecting the importance of register as a key methodological and thematic concern in current corpus linguistic research.
[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 9] 2002. xii, 275 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 October 2008
Published online on 21 October 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Introduction | p. vii
Part I: Exploring variation in the use of linguistic features
1. Cross-disciplinary comparisons of hedging: Some findings from the Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken EnglishDeanna Poos and Rita Simpson | pp. 3–23
2. Would as a hedging device in an Irish context: An intra-varietal comparison of institutionalised spoken interactionFiona Farr and Anne O'Keeffe | pp. 25–48
3. Good listenership made plain: British and American non-minimal response tokens in everyday conversationMichael McCarthy | pp. 49–71
4. Variation in the distribution of modal verbs in the British National CorpusGraeme Kennedy | pp. 73–90
5. Strong modality and negation in RussianFerdinand de Haan | pp. 91–110
6. Formulaic language in English academic writing: A corpus-based study of the formal and functional variation of a lexical phrase in different academic disciplinesDavid Oakey | pp. 111–129
7. Lexical bundles in Freshman compositionViviana Cortes | pp. 131–145
8. Pseudo-Titles in the press genre of various components of the International Corpus of EnglishCharles Meyer | pp. 147–166
9. Pattern grammar, language teaching, and linguistic variation: Applications of a corpus-driven grammarSusan Hunston | pp. 167–183
Part II: Exploring dialect or register variation
10. Syntactic features of Indian English: An examination of written Indian EnglishChandrika K. Rogers | pp. 187–202
11. Variation in academic lectures: Interactivity and level of instructionEniko Csomay | pp. 203–224
Part III: Exploring historical variation
12. The textual resolution of structural ambiguity in eighteenth-century English: A corpus linguistic study of patterns of negationSusan Fitzmaurice | pp. 227–247
13. Investigating register variation in nineteenth-century English: A multi-dimensional comparisonChrister Geisler | pp. 249–271
Index | pp. 273–274
“The editors of this volume have succeeded in collecting together a handsome array of papers that will promote further advances in the field.”
Merja Kytö, Uppsala University, in Language Vol.82(2), 2006
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Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General