The Evolution of Pronunciation Teaching and Research

25 years of intelligibility, comprehensibility, and accentedness

ORCID logo | Simon Fraser University & University of Alberta
ISBN 9789027211378 | EUR 90.00 | USD 135.00
ISBN 9789027257635 | EUR 90.00 | USD 135.00
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Inspired by Murray Munro and Tracey Derwing’s 1995 seminal study of intelligibility, comprehensibility, and accentedness, this book revisits the insights of their original research and presents subsequent studies extending this work to new ways of understanding second language speech. By rejecting the nativeness approach upon which previous pronunciation research and teaching were built, Munro and Derwing’s paper became the catalyst for a new paradigm of pronunciation and speech research and teaching. For the first time, pronunciation researchers had an empirically-motivated set of dimensions for assessing L2 speech. Results of many subsequent studies showed that the original insights of three partially-independent measures are indispensable to language teaching, language assessment, social evaluations of speech, and pedagogical priorities. This monograph offers 9 diverse chapters by leading researchers, all of which focus on intelligibility and or comprehensibility. This volume is essential reading for anyone interested in up-to-date coverage of L2 pronunciation matters. Originally published as special issue of Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 6:3 (2020)
[Benjamins Current Topics, 121] 2022.  v, 234 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 22 April 2022
Table of Contents
Cited by (3)

Cited by three other publications

Nickolai, Dan
2024. Revisiting Pronunciation Instruction. The FLTMAG DOI logo
Savova, Lilia & Maryam Azarnoosh
2024. Who do learners of English as a lingua franca want to sound like? English speaker role models and envisioned selves in imagined communities. TESOL Journal 15:4 DOI logo
Lee, Andrew H. & Ron I. Thomson
2022. Pronunciation. In Research methods in instructed second language acquisition [Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 3],  pp. 233 ff. DOI logo

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 12 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.


Main BIC Subject

CFDC: Language acquisition

Main BISAC Subject

LAN011000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Phonetics & Phonology
ONIX Metadata
ONIX 2.1
ONIX 3.0
U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2022011334 | Marc record