Historiographia Linguistica
Volume 27, Issue 1 (2000)
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 29 May 2000
Published online on 29 May 2000
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
L’étude de L’allemand en France : De ses Débuts ‘Pratiques’ à L’établissement de la Germanistique à L’universitéBarbara Kaltz | pp. 1–20
Robert Dodsley and the Genesis of Lowth’s: Short introduction to english grammarIngrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade | pp. 21–36
Aus dem leben eines lautgesetzes: Das Graßmann’sche Gesetz, sein Ursprung und sein SchicksalSergej A. Romaschko | pp. 37–58
El Español en los proyectos de lengua universalJulián Velarde Lombraña | pp. 59–77
Structuralism, contextualism, dialogism: Volo.Inov’s and Baxtin’s contributions to the debate about the ‘relativity’ of meaningBrigitte Nerlich | pp. 79–102
Le destin de la théorie syntaxique de Lucien Tesnière (1893–1954)Alphonse Kabano | pp. 103–126
In the shadows of the third Reich: Case study of a dialectologistChristopher M. Hutton | pp. 129–138
Stephen G. Alter. 1999. Darwinism and the Linguistic Image: Language, race, and natural theology in the nineteenth centuryReviewed by Caroline Rose | pp. 137–141
Santiago García-Jalón de la Lama. 1998. La gramática hebrea en Europa en el siglo XVI. Guía de lectura de las obras impresasRezensiert von Hans-Josef Niederehe | pp. 142–144
Anne-Françoise Ehrhard. 1998. Die Grammatik von Johann Christian Heyse: Kontinuität und Wandel im Verhältnis von Allgemeiner Grammatik und Schulgrammatik (1814–1914)Rezensiert von Kjell-Åke Forsgren | pp. 147–156
Andreas Gardt. 1999. Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft in Deutschland: Vom Mittelalter bis ins 20. JahrhundertReviewed by Brigitte Nerlich | pp. 155–161
Christopher M. Hutton. 1999. Linguistics and the Third Reich: Mother-tongue fascism, race, and the science of languageReviewed by Werner Hüllen | pp. 162–175
Manfred Görlach. 1998. An Annotated Bibliography of Nineteenth-Century Grammars of EnglishReviewed by Malcolm J. Benson | pp. 176–181
William Jervis Jones. 1999. Images of Language: Six essays on German attitudes to European languages from 1500 to 1800Rezensiert von Barbara Kaltz | pp. 182–186
Alexander Murray (Edited by). 1998. Sir William Jones 1746–1794: A commemorationReviewed by Henry M. Hoenigswald | pp. 187–190
Publications received / Ouvrages reçus / Eingegangene schriftenE. F. K. Koerner | pp. 191–196
Articles – Aufsätze
Book reviews – Comptes rendus – Besprechungen