Volume 13, Issue 1 (2001)
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 27 May 2002
Published online on 27 May 2002
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
The adequate translation as a methodological tool: Dante’s onomastic wordplay in EnglishEdoardo Crisafulli | pp. 1–28
«Si sérieux s’abstenir» : Le discours sur l’humour traduitJeroen Vandaele | pp. 29–44
Finnish comet in German skies: Translation, retranslation and normsPekka Kujamäki | pp. 45–70
Les ‘fautes de lecture’ : Note ‘théorique’ sur un problème de traductionJan Baetens | pp. 71–79
Translational migration of martial arts fiction East and WestOlivia Mok | pp. 81–102
Biggles’s friend André: A study of Malraux in English translationPeter Fawcett | pp. 103–124
Adding towards a nationalist text: On a Turkish translation of DraculaŞehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar | pp. 125–148
Shared ground in translation studies: Continuing the debate. Being constructive about shared groundDaniel Gile | pp. 149–153
An applied linguist wonders about boundaries round the newly cleared fieldRoger T. Bell | pp. 153–158
Why should we seek common ground?Brian Mossop | pp. 158–160
Expanding horizons or limiting growth?Edwin Gentzler | pp. 160–165
Shared ground in interpreting studies tooMiriam Shlesinger | pp. 165–168
John Corbett. 1998. Written in the Language of the Scottish Nation: A History of Literary Translation into Scots.Reviewed by Joep Leerssen | pp. 169–172
Catarina Falbo, Mariachiara Russo & Francesco Straniero Sergio (eds.). 1999. Interpretazione simultanea e consecutiva: Problemi teorici e metodologie didattiche.Reviewed by Catherine Stenzl | pp. 172–177
Robin Setton. 1999. Simultaneous Interpretation: A Cognitive-pragmatic AnalysisReviewed by Daniel Gile | pp. 177–183
José Antonio Sabio Pinillan & María Manuela Fernández Sánchez. 1998. Odis curso sobre a tradução em Portugal: Opr oveito, o ensino e a crítica. Antologia (c. 1429–1818).Compte rendu par Christine Zurbach | pp. 183–186
Peter A. Schmitt. 1999. Translation und Technik.Reviewed by Rainer Barczaitis & Bruce W. Irwin | pp. 186–189
Jean Delisle (dir.). 1999. Portraits de traducteurs.Compte rendu par Amelia Sanz | pp. 189–192
Gunilla Anderman & Margaret Rogers (eds.). 1999. Word, Text, Translation: Liber Amicorum for Peter Newmark.Reviewed by Zuzana Jettmarová | pp. 192–197
Christiane Nord. 1997. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained.Compte rendu par Lieven Tack | pp. 197–199
Other Books Receivedpp. 201–202
Book reviews