Outside the Clause
Form and function of extra-clausal constituents
This volume brings together a number of articles on the form and function of extra-clausal constituents, a group of linguistic elements which have puzzled linguists by defying analysis in terms of ordinary sentence grammar. Given their high frequency and communicative importance, these elements can, however, no longer be dismissed as a marginal linguistic phenomenon. In recent years this awareness has resulted not only in more systematic treatments of extra-clausal constituents, but has also highlighted the need to account for them in grammatical theory. Based on (mainly English) corpus data, the volume investigates the discourse-pragmatic, semantic, syntactic and phonological features of a range of extra-clausal constituents, including discourse markers, free adjuncts, left dislocands, insubordinate clauses and various kinds of adverbials. The individual chapters adopt a number of different perspectives, investigating the diachronic development of extra-clausal constituents, their multi-functionality and their use in bilingual settings, also addressing the question of how they can be incorporated into existing models of grammar.
[Studies in Language Companion Series, 178] 2016. vi, 450 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 12 September 2016
Published online on 12 September 2016
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Extra-clausal constituents: An overviewGunther Kaltenböck, Evelien Keizer and Arne Lohmann | pp. 1–26
Part 1. The multifunctionality of ECCs
Pragmatic markers as constructions. The case of anywayKarin Aijmer | pp. 29–58
The (the) fact is (that) construction in English and DutchEvelien Keizer | pp. 59–96
Planning what to say: Uh and um among the pragmatic markersGunnel Tottie | pp. 97–122
Part 2. The diachronic development of ECCs
Mirativity and rhetorical structure: The development and prosody of disjunct and anaphoric adverbials with ‘no’ wonderCaroline Gentens, Ditte Kimps, Kristin Davidse, Gilles Jacobs, An Van linden and Lieselotte Brems | pp. 125–156
From clause to adverb: On the history of maybeMaría José López-Couso and Belén Méndez-Naya | pp. 157–176
Towards a unified constructional characterisation of the nonfinite periphery: On verbal free adjuncts and absolutes in EnglishCarla Bouzada-Jabois and Javier Pérez-Guerra | pp. 177–202
Left-dislocated strings in Modern English epistolary prose: A comparison with contemporary spoken Left DislocationDavid Tizón-Couto | pp. 203–240
Part 3. ECCs in bilingual settings
Extra-clausal constituents and language contact: The case of discourse markersBernd Heine | pp. 243–272
The role of extra-clausal constituents in bilingual speech: The emerging of regular patterns in a bilingual corpusEugenio Goria | pp. 273–302
Part 4. ECCs: a grammar of their own?
The syntax of confirmationals: A neo-performative analysisMartina Wiltschko and Johannes Heim | pp. 305–340
On the grammatical status of insubordinate if-clausesGunther Kaltenböck | pp. 341–378
Intensifying adverbs ‘outside the clause’: A cognitive analysisAlexander Haselow | pp. 379–416
Aspects of discourse marker sequencing: Empirical challenges and theoretical implicationsArne Lohmann and Christian Koops | pp. 417–446
Index | pp. 447–450
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 28 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CFK: Grammar, syntax
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009060: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Syntax