Language, Interaction and Acquisition | Langage, Interaction et Acquisition

ORCID logoSandra Benazzo | Université Paris 8 | lia-sfl at
Marion Blondel | CNRS - Université Paris 8
ORCID logoMarianne Gullberg | Lund University
ORCID logoHenriëtte Hendriks | University of Cambridge
Georges Daniel Véronique | Université d'Aix-Marseille
Assistant Editor
Founding Editor
LIA is a bilingual English-French journal that publishes original theoretical and empirical research of high scientific quality at the forefront of current debates concerning language acquisition. It covers all facets of language acquisition among different types of learners and in diverse learning situations, with particular attention to oral speech and/or to signed languages. Topics include the acquisition of one or more foreign languages, of one or more first languages, and of sign languages, as well as learners’ use of gestures during speech; the relationship between language and cognition during acquisition; bilingualism and situations of linguistic contact – for example pidginisation and creolisation. The bilingual nature of LIA aims at reaching readership in a wide international community, while simultaneously continuing to attract intellectual and linguistic resources stemming from multiple scientific traditions in Europe, thereby remaining faithful to its original French anchoring. LIA is the direct descendant of the French-speaking journal AILE.

LIA publishes its articles Online First.

ISSN: 1879-7865 | E-ISSN: 1879-7873
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Latest articles

14 November 2024

  • Children’s multimodal participation in interactions and dialogues across different activities in an early childhood education and care setting
    Stéphanie Caët, Marine Le MenéCaroline Masson | LIA 15:1 (2024) pp. 57–94
  • Child activity contexts and language environments: Perspective from daylong audio recordings of American English-speaking children
    Ludivine Glas, Kiana ChubeyMelanie Soderstrom | LIA 15:1 (2024) pp. 24–56
  • Engaging children in activities and interactions: What strategies do educators use in early childhood education and care?
    Caroline Masson, Tiphanie Bertin, Karine Martel, Anne Salazar Orvig, Christine da Silva-GenestEloïse Chartier | LIA 15:1 (2024) p. 95
  • Conversations in early childhood education and care centres: The role of recasts in the co-construction of meaning and the acquisition of language features
    Naomi Yamaguchi, Tiphanie BertinPauline Beaupoil-Hourdel | LIA 15:1 (2024) pp. 158–188
  • La participation des enfants lors des interactions entre parents et professionnel·le·s dans les structures d’accueil de la petite enfance: Les phénomènes d’adressage
    Marianne ZogmalStéphanie Garcia | LIA 15:1 (2024) pp. 130–157
  • Interaction and language acquisition in non-family settings
    Caroline Masson | LIA 15:1 (2024) pp. 13–23
  • Interactions et acquisition du langage en milieu extrafamilial
    Caroline Masson | LIA 15:1 (2024) pp. 1–12
  • 22 March 2024

  • Lending a hand to speech: Gestures help fluency and increase pitch in second language speakers
    Federica CavicchioMaria Grazia Busà | LIA 14:2 (2023) pp. 218–246
  • Another voice for another language? The impact of language on vocal register
    Lucie Drouillet, Corine AstésanoCharlotte Alazard-Guiu | LIA 14:2 (2023) pp. 247–279
  • Fluctuations des émotions éprouvées par des apprenants débutants dans cinq cours de Français Langue Etrangère: Une étude de cas multiples
    Delphine Guedat-BittighofferJean-Marc Dewaele | LIA 14:2 (2023) pp. 280–306
  • Effets du feedback correctif écrit direct et indirect sur la réécriture du texte et les subséquentes productions d’apprenants de l’italien LV3 au lycée
    Francesca La Russa | LIA 14:2 (2023) pp. 191–217
  • Joint actions affect infants’ cognitive word–object processing
    Eugenia Wildt | LIA 14:2 (2023) pp. 167–190
  • 27 October 2023

  • Conceptual transfer: Roots, assumptions, and current scope
    Scott Jarvis | LIA 14:1 (2023) pp. 14–40
  • Crosslinguistic differences in initial word recognition: A comparative study of French learners of Polish and Arabic
    Hedi Majdoub, Marzena Watorek, Rebekah RastPascale Trévisiol | LIA 14:1 (2023) p. 75
  • The impact of the cognitive effects of L1 orthographic depth and morphological complexity on L2 French morphographic processing
    Vera Serrau, Cecilia Gunnarsson-LargyPierre Largy | LIA 14:1 (2023) pp. 127–166
  • Language-specific principles of discourse conceptualization in L2 English
    Marianne Starren | LIA 14:1 (2023) pp. 106–126
  • Always trust your gut? A case study on the differential impact of French as L1/L2 on Italian L3 tense-aspect judgments
    Francesco VallerossaCamilla Bardel | LIA 14:1 (2023) pp. 41–74
  • Conceptual transfer, (re)conceptualisation and other cognitive aspects of crosslinguistic influence in L2 acquisition
    Cecilia Gunnarsson-Largy | LIA 14:1 (2023) pp. 1–6
  • Transfert conceptuel, (re)conceptualisation et quelques autres aspects cognitifs de l’influence translinguistique dans l’acquisition d’une L2
    Cecilia Gunnarsson-Largy | LIA 14:1 (2023) p. 7
  • 23 February 2023

  • Why Second Language Acquisition of sign languages matters to general SLA research
    Marianne Gullberg | LIA 13:2 (2022) pp. 231–253
  • Measuring language dominance in bilinguals with two sign languages
    Dag Johan Lindeberg | LIA 13:2 (2022) pp. 175–198
  • Second language acquisition of depicting signs: A corpus-based account
    Krister SchönströmJohanna Mesch | LIA 13:2 (2022) pp. 199–230
  • SLA2 : Linking the domains of Second Language Acquisition and Sign Language Acquisition
    Krister SchönströmChloë Marshall | LIA 13:2 (2022) pp. 145–158
  • « SLA2 » : Ou comment relier acquisition des langues secondes et acquisition des langues des signes
    Krister SchönströmChloë Marshall | LIA 13:2 (2022) pp. 159–174
  • 24 August 2022

  • Numeral form selection and accommodation in Gulf Pidgin Arabic
    Wafi Fhaid Alshammari | LIA 13:1 (2022) pp. 29–62
  • Word order in the input to Argentinian Spanish-learning children: How reliable as a cue to clause transitivity?
    Cynthia Pamela Audisio, Macarena Sol Quiroga, María Laura RamírezCelia Renata Rosemberg | LIA 13:1 (2022) p. 93
  • L’acquisition des objets directs et indirects en français L1
    Sophia BelloMihaela Pirvulescu | LIA 13:1 (2022) pp. 63–92
  • Under the surface: A survey of principles of language use in advanced L2 speakers
    Monique Lambert, Christiane von Stutterheim, Mary CarrollJohannes Gerwien | LIA 13:1 (2022) pp. 1–28
  • Audiovisual input in L2 learning
    Carmen Muñoz | LIA 13:1 (2022) pp. 125–143
  • 31 January 2022

  • Second language acquisition of evidentiality in French and English in a narrative task
    Pascale LeclercqEric Mélac | LIA 12:2 (2021) pp. 251–283
  • The /s/ ~ /z/ voice contrast in L1 French, L1 Spanish and L1 Italian learners of L2 English
    Paolo Mairano, Leonardo Contreras Roa, Marc CapliezCaroline Bouzon | LIA 12:2 (2021) pp. 210–250
  • The development of morpho-syntactic productivity in Italian-speaking children
    Luca MiorelliEwa Dąbrowska | LIA 12:2 (2021) pp. 185–209
  • Language aptitude, language interaction and age of language learning: One researcher’s recent perspective
    David SingletonColin J. Flynn | LIA 12:2 (2021) pp. 284–305
  • 27 July 2021

  • Analyzing variability in L2 ultimate attainment
    David Birdsong | LIA 12:1 (2021) pp. 133–156
  • Neuroplasticity of second language vocabulary acquisition: The role of linguistic experience in individual learning
    Frédéric Isel | LIA 12:1 (2021) pp. 54–81
  • Adaptive functions of neurobehavioral plasticity in language learning and processing: A life span perspective
    Michèle Kail | LIA 12:1 (2021) pp. 20–53
  • Capturing the variation in language experience to understand language processing and learning
    Judith F. Kroll, Andrea Takahesu TaboriChristian Navarro-Torres | LIA 12:1 (2021) p. 82
  • Language attrition: A matter of brain plasticity? Some preliminary thoughts
    Barbara Köpke | LIA 12:1 (2021) pp. 110–132
  • Parameter setting and acceleration: Subject omissions in a trilingual child with special reference to French
    Elena Scalise, Johanna StahnkeNatascha Müller | LIA 12:1 (2021) pp. 157–184
  • Language, plasticity, and learning: Challenges at the forefront of research
    Michèle KailFrédéric Isel | LIA 12:1 (2021) pp. 1–9
  • Thèmes à la pointe du domaine « Langage, Plasticité, et Apprentissage »
    Michèle KailFrédéric Isel | LIA 12:1 (2021) pp. 10–19
  • 25 November 2020

  • The processing of passive sentences in German: Evidence from an eye-tracking study with seven- and ten-year-olds and adults
    Valentina CristanteSarah Schimke | LIA 11:2 (2020) pp. 163–195
  • L’Hypothèse d’Isochronie Syllabique Initiale appliquée au français L2: Une comparaison des caractéristiques rythmiques du français L2, du français L1 et du suédois L1
    Hugues Engel | LIA 11:2 (2020) pp. 268–297
  • Word formation in the earliest stages of L2 Polish: The use of derivational morphology in reference to human entities
    Jacopo Saturno | LIA 11:2 (2020) pp. 232–267
  • « Et le chien aussi i’ regarde »: Particule additive aussi et structure informationnelle en français L2
    Britta Thörle | LIA 11:2 (2020) pp. 298–324
  • L’émergence du figement dans la production langagière précoce: Une comparaison français – arabe tunisien
    Sameh Yaiche, Isabelle MaillochonDominique Bassano | LIA 11:2 (2020) pp. 196–231
  • 4 June 2020

  • A processability approach to the development of case in L2 Icelandic
    María GarðarsdóttirSigríður Þorvaldsdóttir | LIA 11:1 (2020) pp. 68–98
  • L2 Spanish clitic pronouns: A dynamic system
    Meghann M. Peace | LIA 11:1 (2020) p. 99
  • The emergence of functional case marking in initial varieties of Polish L2
    Jacopo SaturnoMarzena Watorek | LIA 11:1 (2020) pp. 32–67
  • The acquisition of German declension in additive and concept-based approaches to instruction via computer-based cognitive tutors
    Daniel R. Walter | LIA 11:1 (2020) pp. 130–162
  • L’acquisition de systèmes casuels en L2 : des études à travers plusieurs théories et langues
    Kristof BatenSaartje Verbeke | LIA 11:1 (2020) pp. 19–31
  • A cross-theoretical and cross-linguistic perspective on the L2 acquisition of case systems
    Kristof BatenSaartje Verbeke | LIA 11:1 (2020) p. 7
  • In Memoriam Maya Hickmann: Founding editor of LIA May 19, 1953 – September 26, 2019
    LIA 11:1 (2020) pp. 1–3
  • A short note on Maya Hickmann’s contribution to the psycholinguistic approach to Language and Spatial Cognition
    Michèle Kail | LIA 11:1 (2020) pp. 4–6
  • 4 November 2019

  • L’expression du déplacement en italien L2: Perspectives typologiques et psycholinguistiques
    Simona Anastasio | LIA 10:2 (2019) pp. 204–228
  • Réseaux sociaux et développement linguistique: Une étude de cas en français L2
    Klara Arvidsson, Fanny Forsberg LundellInge Bartning | LIA 10:2 (2019) pp. 255–288
  • Syntax and working memory in typically-developing children: Focus on syntactic complexity
    Hélène DelageUlrich Hans Frauenfelder | LIA 10:2 (2019) pp. 141–176
  • Le développement de l’expression du genre grammatical en français L2: Les cas de chose, famille, maison, nourriture et vie
    Amanda Edmonds | LIA 10:2 (2019) pp. 229–254
  • The production of geminates in Italian-dominant bilinguals and heritage speakers of Italian
    Marieke Einfeldt, Joost van de WeijerTanja Kupisch | LIA 10:2 (2019) pp. 177–203
  • 16 May 2019

  • Learning to read liaison in French as a Foreign Language: A longitudinal study of beginner Japanese learners in Japan
    Sylvain DeteyIsabelle Racine | LIA 10:1 (2019) p. 96
  • Comparing French liaison acquisition in L1 children and L2 adults: Methodological issues in exploring differences and similarities
    Mylène Harnois-Delpiano, Cristelle CavallaJean-Pierre Chevrot | LIA 10:1 (2019) pp. 45–70
  • The emergence of speech segmentation in adult L2 learners of French
    Ellenor ShoemakerSophie Wauquier | LIA 10:1 (2019) pp. 22–44
  • The development of obligatory liaison in early L2 learners of French
    Frida Splendido | LIA 10:1 (2019) pp. 71–95
  • The production of preverbal liaison in Swedish learners of L2 French
    Malin ÅgrenJoost van de Weijer | LIA 10:1 (2019) pp. 117–139
  • Introduction: La liaison en français langue étrangère
    Martin HowardMalin Ågren | LIA 10:1 (2019) pp. 11–21
  • Introduction: French liaison in second language acquisition
    Martin HowardMalin Ågren | LIA 10:1 (2019) pp. 1–10
  • 21 January 2019

  • L’expression des procès spatiaux causatifs chez les apprenants francophones du chinois: Pousser ou entrer ?
    Arnaud Arslangul, Henriëtte Hendriks, Maya HickmannAnnie-Claude Demagny | LIA 9:2 (2018) pp. 256–292
  • Types syntaxiques des énoncés de jeunes enfants en dialogue avec le père ou la mère: Influence de l’interlocuteur et du type d’activité
    Julien Heurdier | LIA 9:2 (2018) pp. 137–182
  • L’imparfait dans le langage de l’enfant: Une forme pour sortir de l’ici et maintenant
    Christophe Parisse, Sophie de PontonxAliyah Morgenstern | LIA 9:2 (2018) pp. 183–225
  • Les structures verbales chez deux jeunes enfants francophones sourds profonds avec implant cochléaire: Emergence et développement à 36 mois post-implant
    Laurence Vincent-Durroux, Karine Martel, André GuiheneufAdrienne Vieu | LIA 9:2 (2018) pp. 226–255
  • Michele M. Kennedy. 2017. What do Jamaican Children Speak? A language resource
    Reviewed by Georges Daniel Véronique | LIA 9:2 (2018) pp. 293–297
  • 9 May 2018

  • Children’s use of gesture and action with static and dynamic verbs
    Mats AndrénJohan Blomberg | LIA 9:1 (2018) pp. 22–39
  • The impact of language on gesture in descriptions of voluntary motion in Czech and French adults and children
    Katerina FibigerovaMichèle Guidetti | LIA 9:1 (2018) pp. 101–136
  • French-English bilingual children’s motion event communication shows crosslinguistic influence in speech but not gesture
    Nadia Miller, Reyhan FurmanElena Nicoladis | LIA 9:1 (2018) p. 69
  • Gestural depiction of motion events in narrative increases symbolic distance with age
    Kazuki Sekine, Catharine WoodSotaro Kita | LIA 9:1 (2018) pp. 40–68
  • Verbal and gestural expression of motion and spatial events: New evidence from different age groups and linguistic environments
    Katerina Fibigerova, Jean-Marc CollettaMichèle Guidetti | LIA 9:1 (2018) pp. 1–10
  • L’expression verbale et gestuelle du mouvement et de l’espace: Nouveaux arguments en provenance de différents groupes d’âge et de différents environnements linguistiques
    Katerina Fibigerova, Jean-Marc CollettaMichèle Guidetti | LIA 9:1 (2018) pp. 11–21
  • 2 March 2018

  • On the direction of cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of object clitics in French and Italian
    Petra BernardiniJoost van de Weijer | LIA 8:2 (2017) pp. 204–233
  • Topic-shift discourse markers in L2 Italian: Paths of acquisition by Spanish speakers
    Margarita Borreguero Zuloaga | LIA 8:2 (2017) pp. 173–203
  • The dual origin of gesture: Semiotic preconditions for the emergence of two kinds of symbolic gestures
    Dominique Boutet | LIA 8:2 (2017) pp. 288–310
  • Military L2 immersion: Language learning motivations among Finnish-speaking conscripts in a Swedish language garrison
    Laszlo Vincze, Nick JoyceKimmo Vehkalahti | LIA 8:2 (2017) pp. 273–287
  • Towards the use of phonological markedness and extraprosodicity in accounting for morphological errors in Specific Language Impairment
    Öner Özçelik | LIA 8:2 (2017) pp. 234–272
  • Mehmet Yavaʂ, Margaret KehoeWalcir Cardoso (eds.). 2017. Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology
    Reviewed by Fabian Santiago | LIA 8:2 (2017) pp. 311–315
  • 16 October 2017

  • Developing communicative postures: The emergence of shrugging in child communication
    Pauline Beaupoil-HourdelCamille Debras | LIA 8:1 (2017) p. 89
  • La négation chez les enfants signeurs et non signeurs: Des patrons gestuels communs
    Marion Blondel, Dominique Boutet, Pauline Beaupoil-HourdelAliyah Morgenstern | LIA 8:1 (2017) pp. 141–171
  • The development of iconicity in children’s co-speech gesture and homesign
    Erica A. Cartmill, Lilia Rissman, Miriam A. NovackSusan Goldin-Meadow | LIA 8:1 (2017) pp. 42–68
  • A functional approach to self-points and self-reference in a deaf signing child and the (dis)continuity issue in child language
    Stéphanie Caët, Fanny LimousinAliyah Morgenstern | LIA 8:1 (2017) pp. 117–140
  • Deaf and hearing children’s picture naming: Impact of age of acquisition and language modality on representational gesture
    Robin L. Thompson, Rachel England, Bencie Woll, Jenny Lu, Katherine MumfordGary Morgan | LIA 8:1 (2017) pp. 69–88
  • Developmental evidence for continuity from action to gesture to sign/word
    Virginia Volterra, Olga Capirci, Maria Cristina Caselli, Pasquale RinaldiLaura Sparaci | LIA 8:1 (2017) pp. 13–41
  • The gesture-sign interface in language acquisition
    Michèle GuidettiAliyah Morgenstern | LIA 8:1 (2017) pp. 1–12
  • 2 October 2017

  • L’interface geste-signe dans l’acquisition du langage
    Michèle GuidettiAliyah Morgenstern | LIA 8:1 (2017) p. 8
  • 21 February 2017

  • Prosody- vs. segment-based teaching: Impact on the perceptual skills of French learners of English
    Marc Capliez | LIA 7:2 (2016) pp. 212–237
  • Explanatory content and visibility effects on the young child’s verbal and gestural behavior in free dialogues
    Audrey Mazur-PalandreKristine Lund | LIA 7:2 (2016) pp. 180–211
  • Mélanges interpropositionnels chez les enfants bilingues franco-allemands: Est-ce vraiment du code-switching ?
    Anika Schmeißer, Nadine Eichler, Laia Arnaus GilNatascha Müller | LIA 7:2 (2016) pp. 238–274
  • A comparison of maternal and child language in normally-hearing and hearing-impaired children with cochlear implants
    Liesbeth Vanormelingen, Sven De MaeyerSteven Gillis | LIA 7:2 (2016) pp. 145–179
  • Fanny Forsberg-LundellInge Bartning (eds.). 2015. Cultural Migrants and Optimal Language Acquisition
    Reviewed by Heather E. Hilton | LIA 7:2 (2016) pp. 275–278
  • 30 August 2016

  • Confirming or asserting? Conflicting values and cross-linguistic influence in the use of yes/no particles in L2 Italian
    Cecilia AndornoFabiana Rosi | LIA 7:1 (2016) pp. 17–43
  • Discourse Markers in Second Language Acquisition: Studies on Italian and French as L2
    Margarita Borreguero ZuloagaBritta Thörle | LIA 7:1 (2016) pp. 1–16
  • Learners and reformulative discourse markers: A case study of the use of cioè by students of Italian as a foreign language
    Elisa Corino | LIA 7:1 (2016) pp. 44–66
  • The use of discourse markers in L2 Italian: A preliminary investigation of acoustic cues
    Anna De Marco | LIA 7:1 (2016) pp. 67–88
  • Pointing backward and forward: Be’-prefaced responsive turns in Italian L1 and L2
    Franco PaulettoCamilla Bardel | LIA 7:1 (2016) p. 89
  • Turn openings in L2 French: An interactional approach to discourse marker acquisition
    Britta Thörle | LIA 7:1 (2016) pp. 117–144
  • 21 January 2016

  • Complexity at the phrasal level in spoken L1 and very advanced L2 French
    Inge Bartning, Klara ArvidssonFanny Forsberg Lundell | LIA 6:2 (2015) pp. 181–201
  • Interrelationships between Time and Space in English and French discourse: Implications for second language acquisition
    Annie-Claude Demagny | LIA 6:2 (2015) pp. 202–236
  • Interactions verbales et résolution de malentendus en français L2 entre locuteurs de L1 commune et différente: Une étude de cas
    Danielle Guénette, Sara Kennedy, Suzanne AllardJacinthe Murphy | LIA 6:2 (2015) pp. 237–269
  • Orthographic bias in L3 lexical knowledge: Learner-related and lexical factors
    Outi Veivo, Eija Suomela-SalmiJuhani Järvikivi | LIA 6:2 (2015) pp. 270–293
  • FossardBéguelin (eds.). 2014. Nouvelles perspectives sur l’anaphore : points de vue linguistique, psycholinguistique et acquisitionnel. Sciences pour la communication
    Reviewed by Sarah SchimkeSaveria Colonna | LIA 6:2 (2015) pp. 294–302
  • IssuesOnline-first articles

    Volume 15 (2024)

    Volume 14 (2023)

    Volume 13 (2022)

    Volume 12 (2021)

    Volume 11 (2020)

    Volume 10 (2019)

    Volume 9 (2018)

    Volume 8 (2017)

    Volume 7 (2016)

    Volume 6 (2015)

    Volume 5 (2014)

    Volume 4 (2013)

    Volume 3 (2012)

    Volume 2 (2011)

    Volume 1 (2010)

    Subscription Info
    Current issue: 15:1, available as of November 2024
    Next issue: 15:2, expected February 2025

    General information about our electronic journals.

    Subscription rates

    All prices for print + online include postage/handling.

    Online-only Print + online
    Volume 16 (2025): 2 issues; ca. 300 pp. EUR 179.00 EUR 242.00
    Volume 15 (2024): 2 issues; ca. 300 pp. EUR 174.00 EUR 220.00

    Individuals may apply for a special online-only subscription rate of EUR 60.00 per volume.
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    Online-only Print + online
    Complete backset
    (Vols. 1‒14; 2010‒2023)
    28 issues;
    4,200 pp.
    EUR 2,143.00 EUR 2,393.00
    Volume 14 (2023) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 169.00 EUR 200.00
    Volumes 11‒13 (2020‒2022) 2 issues; avg. 300 pp. EUR 169.00 per volume EUR 196.00 per volume
    Volume 10 (2019) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 166.00 EUR 192.00
    Volume 9 (2018) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 161.00 EUR 186.00
    Volume 8 (2017) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 156.00 EUR 181.00
    Volume 7 (2016) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 156.00 EUR 176.00
    Volume 6 (2015) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 156.00 EUR 171.00
    Volume 5 (2014) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 156.00 EUR 166.00
    Volume 4 (2013) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 156.00 EUR 161.00
    Volumes 1‒3 (2010‒2012) 2 issues; avg. 300 pp. EUR 120.00 per volume EUR 124.00 per volume

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    CFDC: Language acquisition

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    LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General