It’s not all about you
New perspectives on address research
The twenty-first century has seen a surge in cross-linguistic research on forms of address from increasingly diverse and complementary perspectives. The present edited collection is the inaugural volume of Topics in Address Research, a series that aims to reflect that growing interest. The volume includes an overview, followed by seventeen chapters organized in five sections covering new methodological and theoretical approaches, variation and change, address in digital and audiovisual media, nominal address, and self- and third-person reference. This collection includes work on Cameroonian French, Czech, Dutch, English (from the US, UK, Australia, and Canada), Finnish, Italian, Mongolian, Palenquero Creole, Portuguese, Slovak, and Spanish (in its Peninsular and American varieties). By presenting the work in English, the book offers a bridge among researchers in different language families. It will be of interest to pragmatists, sociolinguists, typologists, and anyone focused on the emergence and evolution of this central aspect of verbal communication.
[Topics in Address Research, 1] 2019. vi, 447 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 22 November 2019
Published online on 22 November 2019
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Address and address research: Here’s looking at you, kidMaría Irene Moyna, Bettina Kluge and Horst J. Simon | pp. 1–20
Looking backwards, looking forwards: Overviews and new approaches
A literature review of address studies from pragmatic and sociolinguistic perspectivesThoai N. L. Ton | pp. 23–46
On translating pronominal and nominal terms of address: State of the art and future directionsBettina Kluge | pp. 47–74
Examining Twitter as a source for address research using Colombian SpanishDaniel Foster, Suzanne Aalberse and Wessel Stoop | pp. 75–98
Imaginary customers and public figures: Visual material as stimuli in studies of address practicesHanna Lappalainen | pp. 99–122
Variation and change: Address over space and time
Now you Sie me, now you don’t: The history and remnants of the 3pl V address pronoun calque in Slovak (onikanie) and in Czech (onikání)Heinz L. Kretzenbacher, John Hajek, Robert Lagerberg and Agnese Bresin | pp. 125–138
On address pronouns in the history of Brazilian PortugueseCélia Regina dos Santos Lopes and Leonardo Lennertz Marcotulio | pp. 139–160
Palenquero Creole: The syntax of second person pronouns and the pragmatics of address switchingMiguel Gutiérrez Maté | pp. 161–190
Variation in polite address in contemporary Uruguayan SpanishMaría Irene Moyna | pp. 191–220
Transition from V to T address among restaurant customers and waiters in ItalyAgnese Bresin, John Hajek and Heinz L. Kretzenbacher | pp. 221–250
Reflections of address in digital and visual media
Address negotiations in Dutch emailsRoel Vismans | pp. 253–280
The variable functions of addressing hearer-participants with Spanish second person object forms in media discourseMaría José Serrano | pp. 281–304
Pragmatic and grammatical categories for the analysis of forms of address in presidential election debatesMaría Eugenia Vázquez Laslop | pp. 305–332
Nominal address
Nominal address strategies in Cameroon French: Between lexical creativity and pragmaticsBernard Mulo Farenkia | pp. 335–354
Brocatives: Self-reported use of masculine nominal vocatives in Manitoba (Canada)Matthew Urichuk and Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez | pp. 355–372
Address, the self, and the other
Introductions at international academic conferences: Address and naming in three national varieties of EnglishCatrin Norrby, Doris Schüpbach, John Hajek and Heinz L. Kretzenbacher | pp. 375–396
Person-referring expressions, reference nominals, and address nominals: Informalization in an Illinois neighborhood social groupSusan Meredith Burt | pp. 397–414
Terms of address and self-reference in Ulaanbaatar MongolianBenjamin Brosig | pp. 415–434
Index | pp. 435–447
“[T]his volume is a reader-friendly and carefully edited text. It provides a rich set of cases and examples for analyzing address in novel or interesting ways, and it covers an array of methods and approaches that will contribute to more research and to methodological and theoretical advancements.”
Karin Aronsson, Stockholm University, in Journal of Pragmatics 178 (2021)
Cited by (18)
Cited by 18 other publications
de Hoop, Helen, Ward Boekesteijn, Martijn Doolaard, Niels van Wel, Lotte Hogeweg & Ferdy Hubers
De Latte, Fien
2024. (Im)polite uses of vocatives in present-day Madrilenian Spanish. Spanish in Context 21:2 ► pp. 312 ff. 
Djenar, Dwi Noverini
Guarin, Daniel
2024. Pronominal address in the linguistic landscape of Hispanic Philadelphia. Language, Culture and Society 
Lappalainen, Hanna & Maija Saviniemi
Rosseel, Laura, Eline Zenner, Fabian Faviana & Bavo Van Landeghem
Gutiérrez Maté, Miguel & Patricia Uhl
No quiero batirme con vos... ni reñir contigo
. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 36:2 ► pp. 499 ff. 
Lappalainen, Hanna & Ildikó Vecsernyés
2023. Comparing address practices in the Finnish and Hungarian “Got Talent” TV
programmes. In It’s different with you [Topics in Address Research, 5], ► pp. 13 ff. 
Larina, Tatiana & Neelakshi Suryanarayan
2023. Address forms in academic discourse in Indian English. In It’s different with you [Topics in Address Research, 5], ► pp. 142 ff. 
Ozyumenko, Vladimir I.
2023. Forms of address in courtroom discourse in Englishes of the “Inner Circle”. In It’s different with you [Topics in Address Research, 5], ► pp. 316 ff. 
Vismans, Roel
2023. Address and politeness. In It’s different with you [Topics in Address Research, 5], ► pp. 397 ff. 
Khalil, Amr A.A. & Tatiana V. Larina
Ollier, Joseph, Marcia Nißen & Florian von Wangenheim
Abtahian, Maya Ravindranath, Abigail C. Cohn, Dwi Noverini Djenar & Rachel C. Vogel
2021. Jakarta Indonesian first-person singular pronouns. Asia-Pacific Language Variation 7:2 ► pp. 185 ff. 
MANOLE, Veronica
Moyna, María Irene
Roels, Linde, Fien De Latte & Renata Enghels
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 29 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009030: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Pragmatics