
Research into the realities of translation fiction

ISBN 9789027258502 | EUR 99.00 | USD 149.00
ISBN 9789027270733 | EUR 99.00 | USD 149.00
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This volume on Transfiction (understood as an aestheticized imagination of translatorial action) recognizes the power of fiction as a vital and pulsating academic resource, and in doing so helps expand the breadth and depth of TS. The book covers a selection of peer-reviewed papers from the 1st International Conference on Fictional Translators and Interpreters in Literature and Film (held at the University of Vienna, Austria in 2011) and links literary and cinematic works of translation fiction to state-of-the-art translation theory and practice. It presents not just a mixed bag of cutting-edge views and perspectives, but great care has been taken to turn it into a well-rounded transficcionario with a fluid dialogue among its 22 chapters. Its investigation of translatorial action in the mirror of fiction (i.e. beyond the cognitive barrier of ‘fact’) and its multiple transdisciplinary trajectories make for thought-provoking readings in TS, comparative literature, as well as foreign language and literature courses.
[Benjamins Translation Library, 110] 2014.  ix, 373 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 9 January 2014
Table of Contents
“Because of the coherence of its chapters, which do indeed take the reader on a journey, and for the fascinating picture of translation—in fiction and in practice—that emerges from its pages, this volume is a remarkable contribution to contemporary translation studies and succeeds in opening a new area of study where fiction and translation intersect.”
Transfiction is edited with a passion and close understanding of the issues involved, as well as the possibilities beyond; it will not be the final word in a growing field of study, but we may already count it among the key publications on the manifold ways in which, as Patricia Godbout puts it somewhere in the second ‘episode’ of this volume, the reader’s attention now shifts ‘from the translator as character to translation itself as a fictional motif’ (p. 186). It is a fine recent addition to John Benjamins' ever-reliable Translation Library (BTL), and one that should be consulted by Translation Studies scholars, by translators of literature and, not least, by creative writers: the book is a host of novel ideas (pun intended).”
“The editors of Transfiction are to be commended for providing a vehicle for critical observations on the works of such canonical writers as Cervantes, Borges, Voltaire, Conan Doyle, and Kafka, as well as on the fiction produced by professional translators and interpreters who reflect on the problems, limitations, and possibilities of their craft. This fine anthology deals with a phenomenon in literature and film that has important implications for Translation Studies.”
“This volume appears to exhaust all possible inroads into research on transfiction; its varied and comprehensive array of papers makes it a true contribution to this field, and it will no doubt be recognised as a key text well into the future.”
Cited by (33)

Cited by 33 other publications

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2022. Self-Translation. In The Cambridge Handbook of Translation,  pp. 75 ff. DOI logo
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2022. The translator’s visibility. Scenes from contemporary Latin American fiction. Translation Studies 15:3  pp. 343 ff. DOI logo
Valdeón, Roberto A.
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ARI, Sevinç
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Ben-Ari, Nitsa
2021. The Translator’s Note revisited. In Literary Translator Studies [Benjamins Translation Library, 156],  pp. 157 ff. DOI logo
Chesterman, Andrew
2021. Translator studies. In Handbook of Translation Studies [Handbook of Translation Studies, 5],  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Kim, Hyongrae
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Woodsworth, Judith
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Zanettin, Federico
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Hoyte-West, Antony
2020. Exploring the Portrayal of Institutional Translators and Interpreters in the Republic of Ireland’s English-Language Print Media. Vertimo studijos :13  pp. 28 ff. DOI logo
Hoyte-West, Antony
2024. Portrayals of translation and interpreting in an early trinidadian novel: a case study of “Warner Arundell: The adventures of a creole”. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching :99  pp. 56 ff. DOI logo
Baldo, Michela
2019. Introduction: Translation, Narratives and Returns. In Italian-Canadian Narratives of Return,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Hansen, Julie
2018. Introduction: Translingualism and transculturality in Russian contexts of translation. Translation Studies 11:2  pp. 113 ff. DOI logo
Hansen, Julie
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2018. Transmesis in Viktor Pelevin’sGeneration “P”and Andrew Bromfield’s English translation. Translation Studies 11:2  pp. 201 ff. DOI logo
Kaindl, Klaus
2018. Fictional representations. In A History of Modern Translation Knowledge [Benjamins Translation Library, 142],  pp. 51 ff. DOI logo
Kaindl, Klaus
2018. The remaking of the translator’s reality. In The Fictions of Translation [Benjamins Translation Library, 139],  pp. 157 ff. DOI logo
Mével, Pierre-Alexis & Dawn M. Cornelio
2018. Collision and Collusion: Contrasting Representations of the Translator-Author Relationship in Two Contemporary Francophone Novels. TTR 29:1  pp. 139 ff. DOI logo
Pérez-Carbonell, Marta
2018. Who said what? Translated messages and language interpreters in three texts by Javier Marías and Almudena Grandes. Perspectives 26:4  pp. 612 ff. DOI logo
Woodsworth, Judith & Gillian Lane-Mercier
2018. Introduction. In The Fictions of Translation [Benjamins Translation Library, 139],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Kripper, Denise
2017. Los agentes de la traducción: las ficciones del traductor como relatos de mercado. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción 10:2  pp. 174 ff. DOI logo
Spitzer, D. M.
2017. Past the Fire’s Edge: Figures of Translation from Herodotos 1.86. Translation Review 99:1  pp. 15 ff. DOI logo
Tryuk, Małgorzata
2017. Le traducteur et l’interprète dans la littérature et le film. Między Oryginałem a Przekładem 23:2 (36)  pp. 97 ff. DOI logo
Wilson, Rita
2017. Beyond Self-Translation: Amara Lakhous and Translingual Writing as Case Study. In Self-Translation and Power,  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Wilson, Rita
2017. Forms of Self-Translation. In Reconstructing Identity,  pp. 157 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2015. Books Received. Translation and Literature 24:3  pp. 405 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 31 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.


Literature & Literary Studies

Theoretical literature & literary studies

Translation & Interpreting Studies

Translation Studies

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CFP: Translation & interpretation

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LAN023000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Translating & Interpreting
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2013042483 | Marc record